Dealership Staffing Services

Training is a process, not an event

Increase customer satisfaction, and improve your profitability.

Save Time and Effort in Your Hiring Journey

Vanguard Dealer Services will assist our dealer partners in finding the right people for key positions. We will work with our customers to define job roles, responsibilities, and requirements.

Due to our large network of dealerships, Vanguard will refer potential candidates for the dealer to interview, run a background check on selected candidates, and hire if the dealer so chooses. Our experienced team will locate candidates that provide the desired skills, experience, and qualifications needed in a particular dealership role.

Dealership Staffing Services

Vanguard is not an employment agency and receives no fees for referring top-rated candidates to your dealership. We will work with your dealership staff to make sure all the requirements for the ideal candidate are agreed upon before we send over any prospects. Contact us to help streamline your recruitment process and fulfill your staffing needs.